Mobile Application Architecture
For a mobile application to be successful, it is necessary to think through all the details during its development. Marketing and promotion of the application is only a small part. It all starts with an idea, which is made into a clear form. To make this look, to understand how the service will work, to see all the processes before they are developed, the architecture of mobile applications helps. Its main benefit is further savings and maintenance of the program, the creation of an initially high-quality and working product. How the application architecture is arranged, how it works and what it consists of – we will talk further.
What is web application architecture?
When a user enters the address of a web application in the browser’s search bar, he makes a request to the server. From that moment on, it interacts with the application because the server responds and shows the page. The user sees the interface, clicks on the buttons, navigates through the pages, enters some data into the fields. At this point, tasks are executed on the backend, and the responses are displayed in the user interface. All these components form the architecture.
Application architecture is a set of a number of decisions and actions that allow you to organize the correct operation of the program. It includes both interfaces and structural elements, database, styles and other components.
A well-built architecture should meet the following criteria:
- be efficient and perform their functions, regardless of the load on the server;
- remain flexible and expandable so that features can be added as needed;
- easy to test, which will increase reliability and reduce the time to test and implement new features;
- be clear and structured, because a large number of people can work on one project, and beginners should immediately understand how the application works.
In this case, the web application architecture can be considered high-quality and efficient. It is developed by a separate specialist – an application architect. It defines the internal structure of the program, based on the requirements, needs and capabilities of the future service. He also selects a stack of technologies for development, creates prototypes, maintains documentation and coordinates developers during the creation of a product.
How mobile application architecture works
Any application consists of two parts: a server part, which the user does not see, and a client part. The visitor interacts with the interface, this is the client side. Requests are sent to the backend, where technical processes take place. For both parts to work correctly, you need a mobile application architecture that combines them.
How it works: for example, you enter the address of a web application in the search bar. The request goes to the server, receives a response, and a page opens in front of you. It has a field where you can enter your data. You visually see it because it is a front end and client side. You enter your data there, click on the “Submit” button and at this time the server part starts working. The information is entered into the database, a chain of events occurs, and you get a response. For example, authorization is performed in the application. The application architecture is needed in order for such processes to work correctly and each function to be implemented.
To understand how the architecture of a mobile application works, you need to understand its structure. It contains layers, components and modules.
Components are specific elements and functions that are used to create an architecture. For example, user interface components such as various notifications, settings, dashboards. There may also be structural components, such as a database, elements of constructing logical actions.
Layers are specific modules that you can work with individually. They are needed for more convenient application development and the ability to make changes. Not always the functionality of the code is uniform. Some parts are used to create business processes and logic, others are used to work with the database. Layers allow you to independently change some modules.
Application Architecture Models
The architecture of mobile applications can have a different implementation model, depending on the type of application direction. Here are the main ones:
- SPA application . It is also called single page. The principle of operation is as follows: all the information in the application is loaded on one page. Users get a high-quality interface without congestion and unnecessary elements, as well as high download speeds. The architecture of Gmail, Facebook, Twitter applications is arranged according to this principle.
- MPA or multi-page applications . Despite the reduced download speed, MPA architecture is used by large companies such as eBay or Amazon. Loading all the information on one page simply will not work, there are too many server processes and components. For large companies, this is a good solution.
- Microservices architecture . Works on the principle of a service-oriented approach. The application is created from individual modules and services, each component must be deployed separately. Such development is much more expensive, but if changes are made, functionality updates need to work only with a separate service, and not rewrite the entire application again.
- PWA applications . These are solutions that enable a better user experience. An application is installed on the device, it looks like a native one, but at the same time it works through web resources. An example of such an application is Pinterest.
Depending on the type of task, the architecture of mobile applications is selected and the necessary structure is created. During the consultation, our specialists will be able to choose the right solutions for your business.
What is the architecture of mobile applications
The application architecture includes components and layers depending on the type of development chosen. It can be single-level, two-level, three-level, have different types of connections. It is based on a single interface, thanks to which all other parts of the program interact with each other. The general structure looks like this:
- Application core . It includes layers and components with which the user cannot interact, but at the same time all processes take place here.
- Graphical interface . This is the visual part of the application that the user interacts with. Performing any actions, he visually observes the changes, while the request goes to the server part, to the core, where it is processed and the result is returned.
- Components that can be reused . For example, various libraries, visual components and other elements.
- Additional resources that the application uses . It can be graphic elements, sounds and other components.
Each of these elements of the structure has its own layers, allowing you to implement any functionality. Thanks to the visual design of the mobile application architecture, it is easy to track the sequence and correctness of the structure. The architect uses special applications to give a readable look.
How the application is designed
Before you start designing an application and creating its architecture, you need to understand the overall goal. To do this, our company specialists hold a series of consultations with business representatives and discuss the project. It is important to answer a number of questions, including: why the application is being created, what tasks it will perform for the business, how it will generate income for the company, and others. This will allow you to understand what generally needs to be created.
Further, a general idea is formed, where the main features are determined. This will allow the architect to understand what the functionality should be, what technology stack to choose. After that, the application architecture is developed.
The specialist studies the requirements, determines the type of architecture and ways of its development. A method of building an architecture is selected, technologies are selected to create each element. It is determined how the elements will interact with each other. A prototype is created, an interface is designed.
Further, the architecture of the mobile application is studied in detail, analysis is carried out, additions and changes are introduced. Technical documentation is created, standards are defined. After that, the specialist conducts a discussion with programmers, designers, and development begins.
Design has several ways of implementation:
- Monolithic approach . It is considered one of the “ancient””, but it works flawlessly. Its principle of operation is simple: all application logic is stored on the server, and the database contains information for this server. This approach allows you to quickly develop a mobile application, but has a drawback. In the future, when you need to change the interface or update the functionality to match new platforms, monolithicity creates difficulties.
- Modular architecture . The most common way to create a project. The entire application is divided into modules. Each of them is responsible for a specific function. They are independent of each other, which allows you to make changes to individual parts of the application. Even if one module stops working, others continue to function. Despite the higher cost of the project, this approach provides flexibility and allows you to implement complex applications.
- Service Oriented Approach . Suitable for large companies, because such design will be expensive. But in the future it will pay for itself and will bring benefits. Its essence lies in the fact that the modular architecture of the application is used, but some of the modules are taken out into separate services. They may contain their own databases or even reside on separate devices. Different programming languages are used, and they are combined through an interface.
There are several ways to design an application, but visual design is often used. The use of graphic programs allows you to speed up the process of developing application architecture, reduce the likelihood of errors and create a clear understandable structure.
At our company, you can order a web application architecture development service. Our experts will carefully work out your idea and create a clear plan for its implementation. In addition, we are comprehensively engaged in the development of mobile applications. Contact us and get a ready-made product for your business. Call or come to the office to discuss the details. We will answer your questions and help you improve your business through digitalization.